3 min readJun 17, 2021

In the present economic condition, money has become hard to earn. Hence, many people are looking for ways to save their money. From time to time we don’t even realize how much money we waste everyday. There are a lot of things we can survive without yet we keep buying them.so, here are some of the easiest yet simplest way that can help you saving your money if you apply them.

  1. Write a list before you go shopping. Before you go into a store for any reason, make a list of what you plan to buy.

The list that you made will not only help you keep focus there, but also it’s good for niche stores, too, like clothing shops, footwear shops or bookstores.

2. Turn off the television. Trust me television consumes a lot of electricity, mainly involves a costly service and is loaded with advertisements even within the shows themselves.

Consider spending less time in front of T.V. and start replacing that time with something else.

3. Look for a used option first. Whenever you are planning to buy anything, try to look for a used option first.

I know, it doesn’t sound like a great fit but trust me it works, specially, from musical instruments to small kitchen appliances and clothes.

4. Cut down your wardrobe. By this, I don’t mean that you should cut down everything you wear.

Instead, what you can do is put most of your wardrobe into storage and wear a small segment of your clothes until they start to wear out, then shop for replacements in storage. This way, you don’t have to buy clothes for a very long time.

5. Get in the habit of taking notes on your phone. Whenever you have a good idea of saving money or anything else you might want to remember, just write it down on your phone.

Then, whenever you get time, review it. This will help you to keep money saving ideas from slipping your mind.

So, yes that’s it! These are some of my ideas that I wanted to share with you. Try these money saving ideas and you will see how much money you can save for something really important. Now, it’s up to you to decide whether you want to apply these ideas in your life or not:)




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